No Wedding Planner? No Problem…

If you don’t have a Wedding Planner for your big day, no problem! Here are some tips on how to manage your time on your big day:

Start your day with an early shower:

Begin your day by taking an early shower. Our stylist may recommend washing your hair the night before depending on the hairstyle you choose.

Hair and Makeup:

This should be scheduled based on whether or not you will be taking photographs prior to the ceremony. Typically our services take about an hour and a half for both hair and makeup. If you are planning on having pictures taken, we recommend scheduling our services at least three hours before the ceremony.


Timing will depend on the photographer and how many pictures you want before the ceremony, but plan on spending about an hour on photos.

Getting Dressed:

Wedding gowns are magical creations and because of this can be a bit more time-consuming to clasp, zip, and button than a regular dress. Plan on spending about half an hour to get dressed. You don’t want to rush to zip a zipper and then create a whole other situation…

Eating and Drinking:

Too often brides go the whole day without eating. Don’t be a “hungry” bride. Have a simple breakfast of fresh fruit and a light lunch. Avoid anything with too much sodium as it leads to bloating. HYDRATE!! Staying hydrated is key to having a natural glow, especially in the tropical environment that is the Riviera Maya.

Ensure your wedding party is on time:

In my family, we tell one of my cousins, who is notoriously late, that all functions start half an hour early so we aren’t waiting around. If you know you have ‘that friend/relative,’ try giving them an earlier start time than your more punctual party members.

Don’t stress about the groom and groomsmen getting ready:


BAM! You are ready to go! Take a deep breath, walk that catwalk and say “I do..”

You're already gorgeous—we just make it official.

